Applications and Analyses

Analyses of various kinds of archaeological material can be performed in our laboratory. These analyses include soil analysis, plant analysis, animal bone analysis and soil micromorphology.

Soil and plant analyses are performed on the material sampled from special contexts such as burned layers, pits, floors and oven deposits that were initially sorted on the field with some special techniques such as flotation, wet sieving and dry sieving. In this initial process, the soil is divided into two groups: heavy residue and light fraction that contain the possible charred plant remains. The analyses that are performed at our laboratory are concerned with the understanding of the composition and identification of the heavy residue and light fraction. With this analysis we provide statistical data in order to interpret our archaeological material in relation with the site recovered.

Identification of animal species, elements, sex and age can be performed in our laboratory. It is our priority target to establish a wide reference collection to support our analyses on the animal bone samples.

Last Updated:
13/04/2022 - 15:01